We have been sick at my house...again. I'm pretty sure that the baby brought home some horrible cold germs from the pediatrician's office that were spread around to everyone else! Before I got sick, I did manage to get almost all caught up with my quilt alongs.

The Skill Builder Sampler is coming right along. I was missing the instructions for one week, but I'm going to go back and do it.
The Skill Builder Sampler is coming right along. I was missing the instructions for one week, but I'm going to go back and do it.
The most recent block is the Arizona. I really like how it all came together, but I am tired of HST for a while. I'm working on another quilt top of them and I've had enough for a while!
I went ahead and made up 3 more of my embroidery 101 blocks. I LOVE they way they all look together. I'm very excited about the way this is working out. I was a little unsure about my fabric choices at first, but I really like them now.
I also completed two more of the Farmer's Wife blocks. I like both of them, but the pink and orange points didn't match very good in the middle. I think I'm going to undo it and try again! I am having a really hard time getting the pieces accurately cut for these blocks. I think I'm going to have to just trace the templates and then use the scissors to cut the pieces. I've been using laminated templates and trying to rotary cut them with the help of a ruler, but I think there is too much slippage. The blocks come together so easily, but if the pieces are exactly right, they don't look great. Any suggestions from anyone who's working on this?
I've also been slowly working on the quilting for the plus quilt. I can only do a little bit at a time before I get so frustrated that I have to stop!
Be sure to check out what everyone else is working on over at Freshly Pieced!