I finished this quilt for my mother-in-law for Christmas. It's really the first quilt I've made that wasn't for a baby. My baby quilts are a little larger than traditional baby quilts, but this is by far the largest quilt I've made. It was 54x72 before washing and it shrank a bit more than I expected. She loved it and it will be great for cozying up on the couch.

The fabric is all just from Hobby Lobby. I honestly don't love the way it turned out, but it's not horrible. The blue was what killed it. I had to do something to keep it from being too busy after that, so I added the green. I don't really like that either. Maybe if I had done an additional border of green around the edge to tie it all together...
The fabric is all just from Hobby Lobby. I honestly don't love the way it turned out, but it's not horrible. The blue was what killed it. I had to do something to keep it from being too busy after that, so I added the green. I don't really like that either. Maybe if I had done an additional border of green around the edge to tie it all together...
It is quilted in diamonds with verigated green thread. I will not use the verigated thread again. It made the quilting look a little messy because you could see it really well in some places and not in others.
I think it looks great. I think this is just a case of you being your own worse critic and seeing everything you could've improved. So you use a layer of polyfil for the batting? I embroidered squares once for a quilt and Tena H assembled into a quilt for me. That part was a hassle and a half.
I actually use cotton batting for my blankets. It washes better and doesn't bunch up when washed if you don't quilt it a ton.
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